Parish Council
Your Parish Council
Badminton Parish Council is made up of seven Parish Councillors from within the parish boundaries, and meets bi-monthly at the Estate Office Badminton,
South Glos GL9 1DD.
The council’s activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs, and improving quality of life and community well being.
We can provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services. These existing powers were recently strengthened by powers contained in the Localism Act including the extension of the General power of competence to eligible local councils.
The Parish Council receives funding by levying a “precept” on the council tax paid by the residents of the parish. The Parish Council is served by unpaid councillors who are elected to serve for four years. Councillors are readily accessible around and about the village, and are always ready to assist village residents with local issues. The list of Councillors names and positions are on the website.